For your furry family members, living a fun-filled and high-quality life is more important than living a longer life. This is crucial to remember when making decisions about end-of-life procedures like euthanasia. We know that it’s easier to say but difficult to follow through when you are the one making the decision. This is why we at Fraser Valley are with you every step of the way as you make this difficult but compassionate choice.
What determines that a pet should be euthanized?
The foremost decision marker is quality of life. If a pet is dealing with a chronic illness that is no longer responsive to treatments and is drastically affecting their quality of life, veterinarians will discuss the option to euthanize.
When should a pet be euthanized?
Here are some of the most common reasons why you may decide it’s time:
- When your pet is in chronic pain that cannot be alleviated with medication
- When your pet has stopped eating and/or has lost excessive weight
- When your pet has chronic vomiting and diarrhea that cannot be controlled by any measures
- When your pet’s activity level has completely dropped and their quality of life index is low
How do I know if my pet’s quality of life is low?
Veterinarians make an assessment of the quality of life based on your pet’s condition and medical history. To have your pet assessed or to know more about our services, please reach out to our team.